Fall Milk Bath Session
Milk Bath Sessions Are Here
What do you get when you add three adorable siblings, a big metal washtub, milk, and some pumpkins?
The most adorable fall milk bath session ever! I love the element of play in these images. Splashing, kicking and dunking the pumpkins is fun for all! These natural light portrait sessions last about 30 minutes. The washtub is great for 1 or two small children. They can play together or take turns having their portrait made! Each session includes the full experience, session, props, and some digital images. Book your fall milk bath session here!
Fall Milk Bath Session Images
Where could you use these images? Birthday announcements, seasonal documentary photos of your kiddos, social media and more! I bring all the props for the session you just bring your beautiful kiddos for a fun experience! The washtub is 22in in diameter and 11 inches tall. The “milk” is powdered milk and water. If your child has allergies you’re welcome to bring your own “milk”.
More Fall Milk Bath Session Ideas
I’m looking forward to doing more of these sessions in the future. What other themes could be done? What can you float in the milk? I’m looking forward to adding beautiful flowers, fruit, greenery and maybe even cereal! Have a kiddo that loves the water? Bring them for a super fun milk bath session at Atascocita Photography!
Have you documented your family recently? Now is the time to photograph the kids and ALL of the generations in your family! Atascocita Photography offers many types of sessions and we’re sure to have something to fit your family. Options range from short and sweet to longer creative journeys with multiple locations and outfits. I do outdoor or indoor sessions at your location or mine. Have an idea? just ask! Take a moment and check out the options at atascocitaphotography.com/pricing.