Preschool Photographer

Atascocita Photography is a preschool photographer who provides individual and group portraits for your preschool, childcare center, church, or sports team. Options for your class or group photo day  may include:


  1. Individual Portraits
  2. Group Photos
  3. Digital Images
  4. Printed Photos
  5. Custom Packages
  6. Online Ordering For Parents
  7. Ship To Parent Homes
  8. Complementary Group Print For Your Organization

Ask about our Pre-K and MDO yearbooks!


Photo print packages are ordered online and prints are mailed to your student. Digital image orders are emailed to the parent. No need to collect orders, and payments, or arrange delivery images by your school employees.

Outdoor Preschool Portraits

Spring Preschool Photographer
Preschool Photographer
Preschool Photographer CLC MDO Spring Portraits

Studio Style Preschool Portraits On-Location

CLC Graduation Photographer Preschool
Preschool Graduation Photographer
Pre-K Graduation Cap and Gown Photographer

Popular occasions for school portraits may be the start of the spring or fall semester, graduation, or a special awards day. Churches may like to offer portraits for a special ceremony or at the end of a special class.


School portraits are popular at the preschool age and are also available for groups through high school as well as groups of adults.


Reach out to Atascocita Photography through our contact page for more info on how we can fulfill your preschool photographer needs and to start planning a picture day for your organization.